Sunday, January 29, 2017


The idea for this blog came to me while I was sitting in a Sunday morning church service almost two weeks ago. My pastor, Dr. Dennis Wiles, in his new sermon series challenged us to think about what we believe about God and write it down.

Almost immediately I thought of creating this blog. I had never considered starting a blog before. However, it seemed like the correct response to my pastor's challenge. Why just write down my thoughts on a piece of paper that will be thrown away? This blog will give me an opportunity to share my faith with others.

I've chosen Proverbs 16:20 as my theme verse for this year. It says:

"Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord."

I feel like this blog was an instruction from God, and I plan on following those instructions. I pray that the things that I share bring glory to His name and speak truth and love to those who read them.

- Neil